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说税社保金税 (Payroll Tax)
很多现在40~50岁的人都担心多年入不敷出的社保金(Social Security) 很快就要被用完,也许这一代的人根本拿不到。其实这个担心是没有必要的,按照现在社保金的收入支出水平,50年内用不完。所以4、50岁的放心好了,一定拿得到的。2、30岁的嘛,就难说了。
你知道每年你交了多少社保金税吗?如果你有一份收入10万+的工作,每年你的雇主和你自己要交近 $13,000 的社保金税(一共12.4%,雇主、雇员各6.2%,这两年因为经济危机,暂时改为4.2%) + 所有收入上不封顶的 2.9% 的 Medicare tax (加起来15.3%!)。所以社保金税占老百姓税务的一大块,不过因为是从工资单(W2)上面直接扣除的,大家看不到,也就眼不见为净了。
据国税局统计,每年有30%以上纳税人交的社保金税(俗称 payroll tax)比他们的收入税还多。每年这么大量的社保金税收上来,应该是比支出要很多的。所以社保金的问题不是入不敷出,而是被挪用到其他社会福利项目里去了,而造成的亏空。
如果你住在州税高的地方(比如加州),又不幸AMT了,收入税28%+社保金税7.65%(6.2+1.45)+州税9% = 44.65%,可不是一年有将近一半的时间是给税务局白白打工嘛。
unemployment and disability insurance are paid by employer not y
also the correct formular is 收入税28%+社保金税7.65%(6.2+1.45)+州税9% = 44.65%
如果你要付36%的 marginal tax and not hit AMT, you are a rich man!
有个问题请教。如果我们给一家庭成员10万,以他的名义投资,几年后投资回报10万,本金加增值一共20万,扣除15% LT capital gain,他要付给我们18万5. 怎样才能证明这个不是 gift money?
If just to proof not "gift money", they just issue you a 1099 for 100K.
Now the problem is you want that 100K as LTCG.
Well, 以他的名义投资, invest in what? For example, if invest in common stocks, then (collectively between you two) what is LT, what is ST/ordinary, will not be decided by you (heard about IRS?). You two can agree upfront about percentage of ownership, but I don't see how you decide first (preferred) 100K profit (if any) will be yours and will be categorised as LTCG (wish it's that easy).
Maybe, think about this way and consult tax CPA. Create a company, you own 100% (big if and we'll talk later). Your friend had the right (like a call option) to buy that company from you at 200K (100K is your cost, 100K is LTCG then). Wait, I think IRS will argue you are owner operator of that company, thus such (any) profit will be ordinary income. Then you hope would be, emphasize you are only passive investor (instead of active operator) by: only own a minority stake, declare you know nothing about that industry...
 每次distribution 发的是他名下的 K2,投资超过1年,算LTCG.


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